Basic Principles of Search Engine?

DUCKY DESIGNS Design is thinking made visual Linkedin Instagram Basic Principles of Search Engine Search Engines require a lot of effort to learn. The algorithms used in Search Engines are constantly changing in order for people to keep up to date. If you area company or business or even as a personal brand, you want your website to rank high on the search engine. The highest your website is, the easier people will fins you…

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Basic Principles of Social Media

We all know about social media. After many blog posts talking about Social Media and how Graphic Designers use it we have learned something about all these platforms. However, do we know what are the principles of Social Media. What are the basics to be on it as an individual as well as company or business? Today, I will show you the most important basics about Social Media. 1. Be SOCIAL! The first word tells you all,…

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Creative Strategy for Graphic Designer’s Social Media

Graphic Designers normally use their social media to showcase their work. Today I am going to tell you what is the best strategy to have a good Social Sedia presence as a Graphic Designer. 1. Research! Before starting anything, you should always research other people in your field to see what they are doing. What is working best for other graphic designers? Why do others not have a good Social Media presence? Are they missing…

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Have you ever tried being a few minutes without any technology distractions? Have you ever been isolated with no phone, TV, or electronics? The “solitude challenge” is meant for people to take a moment to themselves without being constantly connected. In today’s society that is not an easy thing to do and even less when you are a graphic designer when you need technology to make your designs real. As a graphic designer, I tried…

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Why is Instagram important for Graphic Designers?

As I talked about in my previous Blog post, Social Media is a great tool that graphic designer use as an online show case of their work to the world. But, how can that be successful? Today I am going to analyze Alex Trochut ‘s  Instagram page to see why is he successful in Social Media. 1. SHOW YOUR WORK The best personal brand graphic design pages share their designs all the time. The only time…

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What is Social Media? How graphic designers use it?

Social Media platforms are online communities that allow users to communicate with each other. It is dedicated to building communities, interactions between users and content-sharing. Social Media is used by any individual or business that wants to share with their friends or with the entire world their experiences, thoughts or concerns. It is also used to promote and advertise brands. Graphic Designers use social media as a way to promote themselves and their work. A…

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