graphic design Social Media

What is Social Media? How graphic designers use it?

Social Media platforms are online communities that allow users to communicate with each other. It is dedicated to building communities, interactions between users and content-sharing.

Social Media is used by any individual or business that wants to share with their friends or with the entire world their experiences, thoughts or concerns. It is also used to promote and advertise brands.

Graphic Designers use social media as a way to promote themselves and their work. A good graphic designer uses social media as their online portfolio to show possible recruiters their work. A very good example of using Social Media as a way of showcasing his work is Alex Trochut. Alex is a graphic designer from Barcelona that currently lives in New York City. His Instagram profile is filled with his designs. He shows his work with a very brief description of what it is and what it is for. Alex Social Media strategy has worked very well as he engages with other graphic designers to show the community his passion for the creative world.

Graphic Design is all about the visuals. Unless you are designing typography based design, there is no need for wording meaning that if any designer wants to succeed in social media, has to be in a visual platform such as Instagram, Pinterest or Vsco.

If you are a graphic designer and you do not have a social media personal brand to show case your work, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?

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