Basic Principles of Search Engine?

DUCKY DESIGNS Design is thinking made visual Linkedin Instagram Basic Principles of Search Engine Search Engines require a lot of effort to learn. The algorithms used in Search Engines are constantly changing in order for people to keep up to date. If you area company or business or even as a personal brand, you want your website to rank high on the search engine. The highest your website is, the easier people will fins you…

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Basic Principles of Email Marketing

DUCKY DESIGNS Design is thinking made visual Linkedin Instagram Digital Marketing has many different parts to it. We have talked about some of them specifically such as Web Design and Social Media. Email Marketing is also a big and important part of Digital Marketing. Email is one of the most used forms of communication on today’s world. It is the easiest and fastest way to get a message through to someone else. It can be a…

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How to use Micro Influencers

As I mentioned in previous Blog posts, Internet and Social Media are the fastest growing communities of all. For that we need to use it in our company or business’ advantage in order to reach our goals. It is very hard to optimise your SEO and the you do, it might take months to see the results, so… how can I use Social Media to gain customers? Micro Influencers is one of your best options!…

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Web Design – Why shouldn’t you use Wix

Nowadays, Wix is one of the most important free website builder that exist. However, as a Graphic Designers it is not the best builder to use. But… why? Wix is a “Drag and Drop” based builder. Although it is very easy to use, many graphic designers think it is not a good place to create your website or portfolio in. Let me explain you the reasons why Wix is not the best: 1. TOO easy?…

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Basic Principles of Social Media

We all know about social media. After many blog posts talking about Social Media and how Graphic Designers use it we have learned something about all these platforms. However, do we know what are the principles of Social Media. What are the basics to be on it as an individual as well as company or business? Today, I will show you the most important basics about Social Media. 1. Be SOCIAL! The first word tells you all,…

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Future of Social Media

Social Media is the fastest growing community among the Internet users. In 2018 seven-in-ten Americans use Social Media to connect with one another, read the news, entertain themselves or share information. Meaning that 70% of all America is a Social Media User. Considering that in 2008 only 34% of Americans used at least one Social Media platform, we can definitely agree that it is growing at a tremendous speed. What can we do to be…

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How to create a quality post as a Graphic Designer

Let’s say you have created and awesome logo for you friend’s business. You are so proud of your designs and you want to share it on your Social Media for everyone to see. How can you make it so the post gets more engagement? There are 3 simple steps that will help you reach your goals. 1. Mock Up’s! This does not apply to picture editing as you can just post the picture with a…

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Creative Strategy for Graphic Designer’s Social Media

Graphic Designers normally use their social media to showcase their work. Today I am going to tell you what is the best strategy to have a good Social Sedia presence as a Graphic Designer. 1. Research! Before starting anything, you should always research other people in your field to see what they are doing. What is working best for other graphic designers? Why do others not have a good Social Media presence? Are they missing…

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Basic Principles for Web Design

  As a graphic designer, I like everything to look nice. Design is part of our everyday life even without most of us realising. Take your eyes of your screen for a second and try to find something around you that has not been designed at all… Chairs, tables, your phone, computer, clothes, buildings and even your pencils were designed by someone, but, how important are those designs? Do you care if your pencil is…

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Why is Graphic Design very related to Social Media Marketing?

Imagine you are a graphic designer that is asked to design a website. You designing a website has a price which will help you a lot when paying the bills. Now imagine you can design that same website and have the skills to run it by creating blog posts and visual content at the same time. You will have much more money offered by that service and you have more skills that can go related…

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