graphic design

Why is Graphic Design very related to Social Media Marketing?

Imagine you are a graphic designer that is asked to design a website. You designing a website has a price which will help you a lot when paying the bills. Now imagine you can design that same website and have the skills to run it by creating blog posts and visual content at the same time. You will have much more money offered by that service and you have more skills that can go related than any other person that just designs the website.

Social Media is very important in today’s society. Not only it is used to build communities, but also to advertise and promote brands. In order to promote, brands have to create content to keep the users engage. Most of the times that content is visual as it attracts the eye of the consumer much faster than text. There is no doubt that Graphic Designers, Photographers or both, have to create the visual content. It is always a plus if a graphic designer can do both creating the content and promoting it.

What happens if I a graphic designer that has no education in Social Media Marketing?

NO PROBLEM! On the last blog post I talked about how to create a personal brand! If you are successful in creating a personal brand, you are successful at Social Media Marketing. It is that easy!

Give yourself an extra skill!

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Social Media is more than marketing, it shows communications skills, perseverance, strategic and goal setting mindset, as well as confidence in yourself and your work as you are showing it to the entire world!